22.September 2001 Frauenhain erfasst mitLogitechQuickCam
Muckefuck open air  (c) + (p) by DE/VISION by LRM

they won tickets from our infoservice


another fan, not the youngest one, but okay

sub7 audience

backstage catering

first visitors

michael, helping man

benjamin and lars with backline

some other visitors, lightcheck

banjamin and achim

drumset- setup

view from steffen's microphone

still empty but...

with the time more peole comes from theother tent to the stage

benjamin and lars


now much moire people

parts of alex and the mechandise

thomas watch wats going on before show

albert, tourmananger

before the show

thomas on stage

thomas again

lars on stager

benjamin (backline) hidden on stage

steffen on stage

lars and steffen

lars and steffen

steffen on stage

steffen on stage

steffen and thomas on stage

steffen on stage

lars and steffen on stage

lars and steffen and thomas on stage

lars and steffen and thomas on stage

lars and steffen and thomas on stage

lars and steffen and thomas on stage

lars and steffen and thomas on stage

steffen and thomas on stage

steffen and audience

steffen, lars and audience

steffen and audience

steffen and audience

steffen and lars and audience

steffen and lars and audience

steffen and lars and audience

steffen and lars and audience

steffen andlars